In this course, learners will learn how to accomplish basic daily tasks such as counting, ordering a meal at a restaurant, asking for directions and introducing themselves. Each course also teaches the can-do statements found in CEFR for learners at every level.


Getting Around town: Learn how to read maps and travel confirmation emails. Also learn how to ask for directions and understand responses in English.

At The restaurant: Learn vocabulary and situations related to restaurants, including how to order and paying the check.

At the Doctor: Learn about health, medical research and medical terms to talk to a doctor or healthcare provider in English.

At work: Learn about communicating at work, including understanding the main idea in presentations, key business terminology related to meetings and general business protocol.

At School: Learn how to understand instructions in the classroom and common phrases and expressions related to academic English.

Shopping: Learn how to get the best shopping deals, how to shop online and how to communicate with retail staff.

At the Airport: Learn how to communicate with airport staff and understand key announcements before and during a flight.

At the Hotel: Learn vocabulary to communicate with staff and customers in the hospitality industry. Also understand emails related to hotel reservations and how to make requests while staying in a hotel.

Socializing: Learn how to talk about everyday life, interests and hobbies. Also understand conversations about past and upcoming plans.

Interacting on Social media: Learn about tweets, status updates, news feeds and many more social media features.

Expressing Opinion: Learn how to express opinions in English and how to engage in a debate with your friends.

Common Idioms: Learn common idioms in English and how they are used in the real world.

World News: Read and understand texts, documents and recordings related to world news and current events. Learn about topics related to politics, business, travel, science, health, entertainment, sports and more.

Celebrities & Entertainment: Learn the latest in celebrity gossip, music, movies, television and general entertainment news.

Review: This unit contains guides to the most common writing prompts on English language exams. Also study real-life examples and learn how to conquer the most intimidating writing exams.